I am death the destroyer of worlds. I was invented by ritual services companies to create a new niche in the market. Just kidding. Actually, I am as old as life.
My work is pretty obvious, though it can be interpreted in many different ways. Some may think of me as part of life, while others may consider me as something that is opposed to it.
I am the only thing that will 100% happen to you. Let's dive into some details to know each other better.
My story
Where it all came from?
Around 4 billion years ago
Some weird shit happened and life was born. Once there is life, death comes with it. The first living creature has died. As life evolves, death takes shape of some possible state of organism, that every creature should avoid at all costs.
Less than a billion years ago
Simple cells evolved into multicellular organisms. There is no clear distinction when this has happened, but as complexity grows, systems called animals began creating an inner representation of outer world. Now death exists not only as something that is opposed to life, like a shadow is opposed to light, but as some obscure feeling of the coming nothingness.
Mainstream version
5508 B.C.
Adam and Eve have done some horny things bought MacBook eat some apples and therefore were exiled from the Garden of Eden. They have known the fruit of knowledge. And this knowledge was the empty nature of reality. They realized that life cannot exist without death and they were doomed by this burden. Thus death (me) gains its second birth.
< 2 million years ago
As animals developed, their inner world did too. The obscure feeling of life became more clear. Symbols were born. Each of them aims to reflect a piece of reality in a mental world. Every time a new word is spoken, the thing it is describing is discovered. The word that means "death" was spoken for the first time.
near 30 A.D.
Some random people execute a guy named Jesus. In 7 days God noticed that and made
git reset HEAD~
then he has staged all files, but deleted the name of the guy both fromalive.json
. Then he pushed commit toorigin/heaven
and created pull request to merge branchheaven